Volunteer Instructor Candidate Profile and Information Form

"*" indicates required fields

Instructor Information

Have you ever been accused/convicted of a felony?*
Would you be willing to submit to a background check?*
Do you have Experience in Volunteer Settings?*
10 Week Commitment
MyPI Instructors have to make at least a 10 week commitment to teach one “wave”. However, they are given the opportunity and encouraged to commit to more than one “wave” a year. There are three “waves” offered per year.
Would you travel to an adjacent city/county for your program?
Typically, MyPI instructors will teach in the communities where they reside. However, there may be opportunities in the future to teach in an adjacent community.

Profiles will be evaluated by the MyPI Steering Committee. Early submission of MyPI Volunteer Instructor Candidate Profile and Information Form is strongly encouraged.

In addition to submitting online, you may also return completed MyPI Volunteer Instructor Candidate Profile and Information Form to any of the following.

U.S. Mail
MyPI Texas
c/o Jordan Baze, Program Manager
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
1470 William D. Fitch Parkway, Suite 148
College Station, TX 77843-2145

Jordan Baze

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